"They alone live who live for others, the rest are more dead than alive."
- Swami Vivekananda
For a country like India; Social Sustainability is a big challenge.
It is necessary to alleviate poverty and one way to do the same is by eradicating illiteracy - imparting education.
We at Qualiance International Pvt. Ltd. have made this a part of our mission statement and have dedicated a part of our annual revenue which will be used to educate under privileged children.
As a part of this process, we are tied up with a NGO of repute ‘Vivekananda Youth Forum’ and have sponsored the education of underprivileged children since 2013.
We whole heartedly support actions and thought process of this and other such NGO’s and are committed to help their cause in cash and kind.
As a part of our social endeavor, we hope our contribution brings about a meaningful change in the lives of these children.
We will continue to remain committed to our obligations of making a positive difference in lives of vulnerable children.
As an effort to maximise the usage of sustainable resources available to us, we have equipped our factory with Solar Panels, Rain Water harvesting and Waste management techniques.
Environmental Sustainibility

A part of our energy requirement is fulfilled via Solar Energy generated through the panels installed on the factory rooftop​

Rain Water is harvested via the catchment area on the roof and directed for usage through special pipes

Separate dustbins for Paper, Plastic and Organic Waste on all floors promote waste management and recycling